Saturday, January 17, 2015

It's Bare Root Planting Time

Bare Root Blackberry Plant

Here it is, January, and this means it is bare root planting season. Generally speaking, bare-root plants are available in late winter through early spring in most nurseries, garden centers and mail-order companies. Many plant varieties are available bare root — fruit and shade trees, flowering shrubs, roses, grapes, cane fruits and strawberries.

Among the benefits of bare-root plants are that they tend to cost significantly less, and establish quicker than their containerized counterparts. One of the reasons for their quicker establishment is that when you plant bare-root plants, you generally backfill the hole with soil that was dug from the hole. This means that the roots grow in only one type of soil. When you put a containerized plant in the ground, there are two types of soils — that from the container and that from the ground. This usually creates layers with a difference in textures coming in contact with each other. When this occurs, water doesn’t penetrate the rooting area evenly.

When purchasing bare-root plants, look for plants with clean, evenly colored bark, strong stems, and firm, well-formed, healthy-looking roots. Avoid plants that have leafed out, unusual swellings other than the graft union, suspicious holes, and slimy or withered roots. Of course, seeing the roots may be impossible on plants with plastic wrappers on them. Keep your receipt and return the plant to the store if you find any of these root conditions once you have opened the package.

Bare-root plants should be planted as soon as possible after purchasing. If  you must delay planting, temporarily plant them in a trench with potting soil or sand on the shady side of your house and keep the roots moist, but not soggy. 
What ever you do, don’t let the roots dry out. Before planting, make sure to remove and discard any saw dust/wood shavings that the plant may have been packaged in, soak the roots in water for 30 minutes to four hours, and then trim off any broken or damaged roots back to healthy tissue.

When preparing the hole for bare-root plants, make a firm mound of soil in the bottom of the hole.  Then spread the roots over the mound, which helps to eliminate air pockets at the center of the roots. Position the plant to the same level it was in the growing field. Hold the plant upright as you backfill the soil, making sure to firm the soil as you go. When backfilling is almost done, adding water helps to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets. Finish filling the hole with soil, then water again. Water once or twice a week, but don’t over-water while the plant is still dormant because soggy soil may inhibit new root growth, or cause existing roots to rot. When the growing season begins, form a well from soil around the planting site. Water when the soil becomes dry at a depth of two inches.

Another thing to consider when choosing bare-root, or any other fruit tree, is whether a pollinator is needed. In most cases, the label on the plant will tell you if the plant is self-pollinating/fertile or if it needs a pollinator. If it needs a pollinator, suggested varieties are usually on the label. If you have any doubts, ask a knowledgeable sales person. Common fruits that need pollinators include almonds, pears, apples, plums and cherries.

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